Transformation Tuesday Workout

Transformation Tuesday – Back Edition

One of my favorite transformations on my body, since I began to work out, is my back. In the beginning, I had no muscle mass in my back and it was just soft with zero definition. The first picture is actually several months into my weight loss. I wish I had taken more pictures in the beginning to remind myself how far I have come.

I still have a very long way to go before I will be where I want to be but I can say I am proud of what I have accomplished. Back and shoulder day is my favorite because it is where I can see the biggest change. Like I said before, I never had shoulder muscles and now when I flex . . . hey girl hey! There’s something there!

Here is my shoulder and back workout I do once a week:

30 Minutes of Arc Trainer to warm up

*I start with Free weights and work my way around the gym*

Start with the 20 lb Barbell:

2 sets of 10 Overhead Presses

3 sets of 15 High Pulls

30lb Barbell:

3 sets of 10 Overhead Presses

3 sets of 15 Bent Over Rows

10lb Free Weights

3 sets of 15 Overhead Press per Arm

3 sets of 12 Bent Over Lateral Raises

3 sets of 12 Front Lateral Raises

I move to Cables


3 sets of 15 Narrow Grip Seated Cable Rows

3 sets of 15 Lat Pull Downs

3 sets of 10 Behind Head Lat Pull Downs


3 sets of 12 Cable Lateral Raises

Seated Back Fly Machine

30 Lbs

3 sets of 15

My Favorite Machine:

Lat Pull Down Machine

50lbs x 15

60lbs x 12

70lbs x 10

80lb x 8

90lbs x 5

Plate Raises 3 Sets:

10lb plate x 15 plate raises

Super set with 10 high pulls

Finish with 25 minutes of HIIT on the stairmaster.

Here is my first real Transformation Tuesday photo – and I just love that meme! That little boys face cracks me up! šŸ™‚

Like I said I still have such a long way to go and I still have a lot of built up body fat to lose but its progress not perfection. You also have to love that fun bun in every photo šŸ˜‰
